Parliament at its Rising on the 22 of February Adjourned to Tuesday 28 of May at 2pm


Functions of the Committee

  1. Consider and report to the Parliament on all matters referred to it, as provided for by – the Standing Orders the Parliament - (iii) the Minister. (iv) on its own initiative.
  2. Consider any matters of national importance within its jurisdiction and functions and report thereon to the Parliament in accordance with the Permanent Parliamentary Committees Act, and
  3. Report on the functions of the Ministry as are determined by a resolution of the Parliament from time to time.
  4. The committee has the power to send for persons, papers and records and to meet from place to place and to act during recess.
  5. The quorum for a meeting of the committee is four committee members, one of whom shall be either the Chairman or Deputy Chairman

Committee Members

Mr. Marsh Narewec (Chairman), Mr. Sam Basil Jnr (Deputy Chairman), Mr. Sasindran Muthuvel, Mr. Alexander Orme, Mr. Ricky Morris, Mr. Ereman ToBaining Jnr, Mr. Simon Dimarinu